Friday, September 2, 2011

8 Easy Ways to LOOVE The Environment...

You might not think you have enough time to save the world. The good news? It doesn’t take much effort to make an impact for the better!!! 
8 (Easy) Ways to Love the Environment
1. Utilize sunlight. Study near a window or outside altogether. Not only does it save electricity, it’s better for your brain!

2. Take the bus or shuttle. Parking permits are expensive, and by the time you’ve circled the parking lot for 30 minutes, it isn’t worth it anyway. Then there’s the cost of gas…

3. Get involved. Explore sustainability courses, participate in research, or join a student organization. Visit sustain.ucsd to check out some options!

4. Bring Your Own Bottle—and bowl, and fork. You can cut waste by avoiding single-use, disposable containers and cutlery at mealtimes.

5. Conserve water. Take shorter showers, and use water sparingly when brushing teeth or washing dishes. And mind the adage: “If it’s yellow, let it mellow. If it’s brown, flush it down.”

6. Save paper. Print on both sides, and use scrap paper for note-taking. Inspire your teachers and classmates to do likewise.

7. Eat local, organic food. Don’t be fooled by the perceived convenience of imported food. There is fast, fresh, healthy food to be found in stores.

8. Buy natural products. Most store-brand shampoos and soaps contain chemicals known to cause skin irritation and other health problems. Read ingredient labels: if there is something in there you can’t pronounce, don’t buy it.

Monday, April 25, 2011

The most critical issue...

“The most critical issue we shall be dealing with in the next century is precisely the same one that we failed to deal with in this one: human greed. As long as we sanctify greed as a noble human motive, we cannot overcome hunger, poverty and oppression or redress the consequences of our own remorseless drive to exploit for our own good the environment and life-style of other people’s cultures.”

-John le Carré


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